What Everyone Gets Wrong About Simone BilesThe Simone Biles story is a sad one. Given the long history of abuse suffered at the hands of Larry Nassar and the resulting mental…Jul 28, 2021Jul 28, 2021
The Three Simple Values to Teach Your KidsAs a parent, I’ve read what seems like an endless stream of columns, books, and blogs with guidance on how to raise happy, well-adjusted…Feb 27, 2021Feb 27, 2021
The Black Bump — the Surprising New Rise of Black Empowerment in AmericaLet’s be very clear on one thing: racism is a vile, disgusting blight on society. People of color, who have dealt with discrimination and…Feb 21, 2021Feb 21, 2021
Gina Carano and the Art of Public CancellationI must confess I’m not 100% sure who Gina Carano is. She evidently played a role in The Mandalorian, a television show that I’ve never…Feb 20, 2021Feb 20, 2021
Are a Quarter of Americans Really Gay?According to a 2019 Gallup poll, that certainly appears to be what Americans think. To be precise, when asked to estimate the percentage…Feb 12, 2021Feb 12, 2021
America and Nordic Socialism — a Marriage Doomed to Fail2021 is off to a fast start. Democrats have taken the White House and both houses of Congress, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is flexing her…Feb 1, 2021Feb 1, 2021
Stochastic Terrorism — the Rationale for Impeaching Donald TrumpThe Capitol Hill riot was shocking to watch. Pro-Trump protests spiraled out of control, culminating in an assault on the Capitol Building…Jan 21, 2021Jan 21, 2021
How the Mainstream Media is Radicalizing the RightThere is much for the Left to celebrate in 2021, including the inauguration of Joe Biden, taking control of both the House and Senate, and…Jan 13, 2021Jan 13, 2021
American Self-LoathingAmerican Exceptionalism has long been one of our country’s defining traits. From the men and women who won world wars across both oceans…Jan 6, 2021Jan 6, 2021